Creating the Bridge between faith, belief and human rights

Faith for Rights: a concept of bridging human rights and worldviews.

The Faith for Rights Academy represents a crucial intersection of religious beliefs and human rights advocacy. Operated under the auspices of the United Nations Office for the High Commissioner for Human Rights, this Academy is a central hub for promoting, educating, and disseminating information about human rights, particularly within the context of various faiths.

The idea was born in the United Nations OHCHR and is now growing in communities, academic institutions and places of worship around the world We are pleased to be one of the Faith for Rights training hubs.

At its core, the Academy acknowledges the significant influence that faith-based teachings and communities have in shaping societal values and behaviors worldwide. By leveraging this influence, the Faith for Rights framework, a brainchild of the UN, aims to deepen the understanding and respect for human rights. This approach is unique as it grounds human rights in the ethical and moral teachings common to diverse religions and faiths.

The mission of the Academy is dual-pronged. Firstly, it focuses on educating and engaging religious leaders and their communities in discussions about human rights. This involves bringing these leaders into the fold of human rights discourse, making them active participants and advocates in this field. Secondly, the Academy aims to create a collaborative and inclusive space. This space is not just for dialogue but for aligning the teachings of various faiths with the principles of universal human rights. It is a place where different religious perspectives come together in support of a common cause: the respect and upholding of human rights.

Through a variety of methods such as dialogues, workshops, and joint projects, the Faith for Rights Academy endeavors to build a global community. This community is not defined by the faith of its members but by their commitment to upholding the dignity and rights of all individuals, irrespective of their religious beliefs. In essence, the Academy serves as a bridge between diverse faith traditions and the universal pursuit of human rights, fostering an environment where both can thrive in harmony.
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Faith for Rights originated as a project of the UN OHCHR